Just realized this won’t make much sense a few years later if I change the theme & so … the JS;
/* SHIFTING COLORS ~ Chameleon */
// Initialize object
var Chameleon = {};
Chameleon.noOfColors = 10; // should be in CSS, with the transitions
Chameleon.duration = 4; // should match the transition duration in css
Chameleon.init = function() {
// Check if we support CSS transitions on the browser
if ( Modernizr.csstransitions ) {
// Grab the body, we will be using it a lot
Chameleon.bodyElement = $("body");
// ~~ faster than Math.floor() -> http://rocha.la/JavaScript-bitwise-operators-in-practice
Chameleon.colorT = ~~(Math.random()*Chameleon.noOfColors);
// Defaults to @orange and @skyblue on hover if we aren't doing this.
// Switch colors
Chameleon.changeColor = function() {
Chameleon.bodyElement.removeClass( 'color' + Chameleon.colorT % Chameleon.noOfColors );
Chameleon.bodyElement.addClass( 'color' + Chameleon.colorT % Chameleon.noOfColors );
setTimeout( Chameleon.changeColor, Chameleon.duration * 1000 );
// Get ready, set ... GO!
The CSS (necessary bits only);
a {
-webkit-transition: color 4.0s linear;
-moz-transition: color 4.0s linear;
-o-transition: color 4.0s linear;
transition: color 4.0s linear;
.color0 a { color: hsl( 10, 90%, 60% ); } // 1
.color1 a { color: hsl( 30, 90%, 60% ); } // 2
.color2 a { color: hsl( 152, 25%, 53% ); } // 3
.color3 a { color: hsl( 210, 90%, 60% ); } // 4
.color4 a { color: hsl( 230, 90%, 60% ); } // 5
.color5 a { color: hsl( 270, 90%, 60% ); } // 6
.color6 a { color: hsl( 290, 90%, 60% ); } // 7
.color7 a { color: hsl( 310, 90%, 60% ); } // 8
.color8 a { color: hsl( 330, 90%, 60% ); } // 9
.color9 a { color: hsl( 350, 90%, 60% ); } // 10