“Time is highly limited, uniquely limited, and equitably limited.”
Highly limited:
Each person only has 24 hours a day and no more. In total, we have about 70-80 years worth of time granted to us. We use about a third of that for sleep, and necessarily almost another third for life-maintenance activities. We spend the first couple decades in various stages of physical and emotional immaturity, and the last couple decades in similarly declining health.
Uniquely limited:
Unlike many other resources, time is neither bankable, transferable, nor recoverable once spent (i.e. in contrast to resources like money, fuel, or other commodities). It is constantly being expended, whether consciously or not, making time management an activity you must (or can) constantly engage in.
Equitably limited:
The average American human life expectancy is about 77 years, with a standard deviation of about 16 years. This is a fairly equitable distribution of this resource for most people, compared to natural resource distribution amongst countries or levels of wealth between families, where both can often differ by many orders of magnitude.
What this means is that along with other resources, time is also always expended in the performance of any activity, that strategies which save or compress the amount of time needed to perform an activity (e.g. speed) are especially valuable, that few people are born with significant advantages in this resource compared another, and that tradeoffs involving the exchange of most commodity resources (e.g. money) for time are almost always a good idea.
Guard your time jealously, and spend it carefully on the most important things. Likewise, it’s crucial to figure out as early as possible what you consider the most important things to you in life, because if you greatly mis- prioritize, you may grieve later on for your lost time and life. No pressure.